Thursday, December 31, 2009

wishing you magical moments in 2010...

In blissful dream
in silent night
There came to me, 
with magic might
With magic might
my own sweet love
Into my little room above.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

from the gods...

a dream, too, is from zeus...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


as we each journey into a new year,
thank you for traveling along with me -
wishing you peace love and passion -

Monday, December 14, 2009

first a dream...


Sunday, December 13, 2009

the two roads of south africa...

If there are dreams 
about a beautiful South Africa, 
there are also roads 
that lead to their goal. 
Two of these roads 
could be named 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

dear friends -

just to let you know, as my little campfires in blogland bear witness, the past week or so has found me distracted and sidetracked with the ups and downs of familial and other issues which have taken me from my usual time and energies on my own blogs and those of dear friends such as you -  in addition, i'm working on a couple of LARGE art pieces with imminent deadlines -

so please forgive my seemingly "irreverent" attention here and know that my lack of regular postings and comments in no way reflects anything except that which it is - peripheral things to which i must attend for a couple of weeks -

but i'll be back and forth as i can so please check over at my places at your leisure, as i, of course, will yours!  and, as always, i'll be thinking of you and yours with much affection - jenean

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Anais Nin's motto...

proceed from the dream outward

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

purple haze...

To unpathed waters
undreamed shores.

Monday, December 7, 2009

the icy night of my spirit...

“Yes, I now feel that it was then 
on that evening of sweet dreams
that the very first dawn of 
human love burst upon 
the icy night of my spirit
Since that period 
I have never seen 
nor heard your name 
without a shiver 
half of delight
half of anxiety.”

Sunday, December 6, 2009

the color of my mind...

I have dreamed in my life, 
dreams that have 
stayed with me ever after, 
and changed my ideas
they have gone through 
and through me
like wine through water
and altered the 
color of my mind.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

i dream...

i don't dream 
at night
i dream 
all day
i dream for
a living...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

the musical dreams of musicians...

musicians dream of music more than twice with respect to non-musicians -

musical dreams frequency is related to the age of commencement of musical instruction, but not to the daily load of musical activity -

nearly half of the recalled music was non-standard,
suggesting that original music can be created in dreams -