is composed
greatly from
from the
and they
must be
brought into
anais nin
just as we all are gypsies of a sort in this life - in this world, so, too, we are in that other world - the dream world - the place where we are free to travel to places known or places unknown - free to travel far and wide - travel without fear - without trepidation - because just as we individually create our reality world, so do we each create our dream world -
Jung, on dreams, in his "ubergang":
a small hidden door to the most deep hidden and secret corners of the psyche, an entrance to the cosmic night, which was the psyche before there was any trace of an ‘ego’-consciousness:
and what will remain the psyche, no matter how far our ‘ego’-consciousness might stretch itself…
all consciousness acts to divide, but in our dreams we take the form of a more universal, true and eternal man who wanders through the darkness of the primal night.
There he is still the whole man, and this wholeness is in him, not distinguishable from nature and devoid of any ego-consciousness.
From this all unifying depth the dream arises; no matter how childish, grotesque or immoral the dream might be."
Dreams - a touchstone for the character.
The art process sometimes seems, to me, be that waking place -weaving night and day dreams.
This is a wonderful piece. I love that you show it still on the jig. Ready to be birthed?
hi jayne - your comment about the art process is so relevant to me as that is how i view it as well - so glad you enjoyed the post and hope you'll come back soon - have a wonderful evening - jenean
robert - yes, i believe that is true!
Like a punch on a velvet curtain - dreams are so interwoven with our waking state it makes you think about just what exactly a dream is. What's communicating with what? And why? Since lack of dreaming causes depression, untold illnesses etc., it must be incredibly integral for humans. Anais Nin a longtime favorite. Thanks for the reminder. Namaste my friend.
hello lady - oh, great, another anais nin lover! you're so right about the lack of dreams - and goodness knows i should be SO healthy cause i dream every night - i often wonder too - which is what - and who? thank you so much for coming over - please come again soon - and have a wonderful remainder of a weekend! namaste' - jenean
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