Wednesday, November 11, 2009

this bag of dreams...

if you must, 
this little bag of dreams
Unloose the cord, 
they will wrap you round.


Anonymous said...

Very nice. Yeats portray so much dramatic richness in his words. I have a few of his quotes stored on my hard drive. I love the photo too. I'm hoping its the dreams that are wrapping around me and not the chord. Yikes! Just kidding :) Inspiring entry for sure.


yes, yeats would be hard to beat in anything written! just a little play on the words and the chord and the image :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jenean. Not sure about W B Yeats but the poem The Lady of Shalott was written by Alfred Lord Tennyson about a lady cursed and living in a castle constantly weaving a magic web. The outside world was viewed through a mirror which she broke the unknown curse when she saw Sir Lancelot ride by.
She stopped in a boat and died on the way to Camalot.

Unknown said...

Had a senior moment ...obviously the words were by W B Yeats who was a member of the occult organization The Golden Dawn along with the notorious A Crowley.


hi trevor - sorry i'm just now getting over here and finding your comments - sometimes i am so focused on the newest posts i forget to check older ones, even though i am always very grateful to have someone actually browse around and look at other posts! i sometimes think that only the first one on the screen is looked at by a lot of folks! so thanks especially to you! sorry if my labels were a bit confusing! and thanks for coming by!!!